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Child Visitation Schedules in Texas

Issues surrounding child custody are complex and can be difficult to understand. In Texas, there are two types of visitation schedules: standard possession and custom orders. While standard possession was once the most common, today’s busy lifestyles have seen more parents switching to custom child visitation schedules that can better fit the needs of the parents and child.
What Does a Standard Visitation Schedule Look Like?
A standard possession order, if determined to be in the best interest of those involved, gives the parent who does not have custody possession of their children on the first, third, and fifth weekends of each month.
This weekend is considered to begin Friday after school, or at 6:00 pm if the child is homeschooled or class is otherwise not in session, and ends at 6:00 pm on Sunday. In addition, this parent also has visitation rights on Thursdays, beginning at the end of school (or 6:00 pm) until 8:00 pm that same day.
If both parents agree, an extended standard possession order can also be considered. This gives the non-custodial parent additional time with their children every first, third, and fifth weekend, beginning Thursday at 6:00 pm (or when school lets out) and ending either on Sunday at 6:00 pm or Monday morning when school is in session.
How Does Distance Affect Visitation Schedules?
If one or both parents move, distance may become an issue when considering child visitation schedules. In cases where the parents live more than 100 miles apart, the non-custodial parent is instead able to choose between the first, third, and fifth weekends of each month or a single weekend per month, if that is more convenient.
Even this altered schedule may not meet the needs of every person involved, however, which might require the use of a child custody attorney to fight for a custom visitation schedule.
Who Has Custody Over Summer?
When school is not in session over summer break, the parent who does not have primary possession is allowed a period of 30 consecutive days with their children, but most provide the other parent with notice of these dates no later than April 1st. If no notice is given, the default dates for visitation are July 1st through July 31st. The parent with custody is then allowed one weekend of visitation during this period, but must provide the date by April 15th.
In the case of distance, the 30 days normally allowed becomes 42, with the standard dates shifting to June 15th – July 27th. In this instance, the primary parent is allowed two weekends of visitation.
How Are Holidays Divided Between Parents?
Although only Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break are initially considered “holidays” for the purposes of visitation, any holiday can be worked into a visitation schedule at the request of either parent. Parents have visitation rights for holidays every other year, with each parent taking even or odd numbered years for each determined holiday. In cases where the parents live more than 100 miles apart, however, the non-custodial parent is given spring break each year.
Does a Custom Visitation Schedule Fit Your Needs?
There are a variety of reasons why a parent might decide a standard child visitation schedule does not work for them. With the help of a child custody attorney, a custom possession order can be crafted that better suits your needs. This might involve alternating visitation rights every week, each weekend, or something else entirely. There is no right or wrong way to craft a custom child visitation schedule.
Let Nonstop Justice Fight For Your Visitation Rights
If you’re in need of a child custody attorney, the law firm of Andrea M. Kolski can help. We’ll fight for a child visitation schedule that meets the needs of both you and your children. Call us at 832-381-3430, or contact us online to find out more.