Articles Posted in Domestic Violence Assault

What to Do If You’re Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault
The Law Firm of Andrea M. Kolski

False accusations of sexual assault are on the rise.  As a criminal defense attorney who defends people falsely accused of sexual assault, we see this nightmare destroy families every day.  Whether it’s a spurned lover or vengeful ex spouse, anyone with an ax to grind can make a false accusation of sexual assault with just…

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New Texas Laws In Effect Sept. 1 2023
The Law Firm of Andrea M. Kolski

The Texas legislature was quite busy in 2023 passing a slew of new laws and increased punishments for drug crimes and other criminal offenses. Even though research suggests that harsher laws and tougher penalties have little effect on drug use, distribution, and drug crime, Texas officials continue to ram through increasingly severe legislation. One wonders…

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What To Do When Facing Weapons Charges in Texas
The Law Firm of Andrea M. Kolski

Firearms are a hot topic in the news. Recent updates to Texas gun laws have created quite a stir among those for and against the right to bear arms. Understanding the many Texas gun laws is important for anyone who owns or carries a firearm. While Texas is considered among the most gun-friendly states in…

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An Overview of First-Time Assault and Battery Charges in Texas
The Law Firm of Andrea M. Kolski

Texas has very specific laws regarding assault or any act of violence towards another person. Assault and battery charges are usually the result of arguments, disagreements, or other conflicts between people that escalate into physical violence. Most of the time, people are able to work through disagreements before emotions cloud their better judgement. However, whenever…

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Montgomery Domestic Violence Lawyers: How To Find The Right One For You
The Law Firm of Andrea M. Kolski

Are you looking to hire the best Montgomery domestic violence lawyer? Read on to learn about how to choose the right one for you. Being accused of domestic violence can be a stressful ordeal. Montgomery domestic violence charges are nothing to take lightly. According to recent studies, nearly 20 people are physically abused by an…

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The Top Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer In A Domestic Violence Case
The Law Firm of Andrea M. Kolski

It can happen to anyone, a simple family argument turns into someone calling the police. Before you know it, you are sitting in jail facing criminal charges in a domestic violence case. Your entire world is suddenly turned upside down. But, there is hope. In 2019 there were 46,268 adults and 25,369 children who were…

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Domestic Violence Accusations: When It’s Time To Get An Attorney
The Law Firm of Andrea M. Kolski

Being falsely accused of domestic abuse is a serious issue. Falsely accused persons face a list of potential consequences if convicted. False accusations are particularly problematic in divorce or custody battles. Falsely accused spouses could lose custody of their children and even face jail time. Nobody deserves to be convicted of a crime they didn’t…

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